Make it to the 2025 TopList
The Best of America Small Business Awards by BASA Awards® exists to honor, celebrate and promote the achievements of only small businesses across the U.S. Whether you are a small business, an entrepreneur, a new start-up, or an established small family business - the BASA Awards® believes that your hard work, dedication, and success deserves to be noticed and rewarded.
As true heroes of America's small business industry, you have stepped out of your comfort zones and gone the extra mile to create something special, and it is time for you to be seen and get your well-deserved recognition.
The Best of America Small Business Awards knows hows important small businesses are to our economy, as they make up 99% of businesses in America. Unlike other awards that, more often than not, overlook small companies, the BASA Awards® only exists for the small guy.
We aim to highlight and celebrate those small businesses most deserving of recognition for their positive and exemplary impact on our community.
With 6 tracks and over 150+ categories to choose from, this award is not influenced by big corporations and has no nepotism, vetting process, or big guys' always-winning nature, the BASA Awards® independent panel of Judges only cares about one thing- YOUR WORK!
The award wants to bring attention to your small businesses' dedication, foresight, and hard work.
Although you all can't be winners, the BASA Awards® understands this, and that is why apart from the category winners, the award will shine a light on the top small businesses for 2025.
To ensure you don't miss a chance to make it on the list, ensure to send in your application to the Best of America Small Business Awards before the deadline for consideration. To learn more about the award calendar, click here.
For all questions regarding the Best of America Small Business Awards, please feel free to contact us. Our team will happily assist you with the registration, category selection, and submission process.
What the TopList Companies Get
TopList seals and badges for your website, social media, ads and signature
Featured on our website Hall of Fame forever
Global recognition of your work
Promotional campaign of your work on our social media and other channels.

How It Works
All entries that score 75% and above from the judges will be named finalists and get a Finalist digital kit with seals that they can share on your website, emails, and social media.
The finalists will also be admitted to public voting for a chance to become category winners or be picked for the TopList.
The companies with the highest scores from the public will be placed in the TopList and be listed in the Hall of Fame as top businesses making huge waves in America, plus receive the TopList digital kit and promotions across our social media and other channels.
Application: At BASA, you pay first and fill in later. Select the different categories you want from our category list and send payment to secure your entry.
Once your payment is processed, you will be sent to our platform, Zealous, where you can fill, edit and complete your entry at your convenience before the deadline. For more details on how to apply, click here.
Judging: Our independent panel of judges will review and consider your application based on your category parameters.
All entries that score 75% and above from the judges will be named finalists and automatically sent for public voting.
Once in public voting, companies are encouraged to get more people to vote for them since businesses with the most votes will be placed in the Top List. To find out more about the judging and award process, click here.
The Best of America Small Business Awards wants to ensure most small businesses get recognized, and that's why the TopList is exclusive to entries not selected as the BASA Awards® category winners.
Winner announcement: The BASA Awards® category winners and companies in the TopList will be notified and receive their winners' packs in December 2025.
Why Enter
- Industry Recognition: Your company will be recognized as one of the top businesses making huge waves in America.
- Visibility and Media Coverage: As a company in the TopList, you will get a business profile on the award website to share your inspiring story and innovation. You will also receive promotions across our social media and other channels and are listed in the Hall of Fame as one of the companies to watch out for.
- Enhance Productivity & Recruitment: You will be able to improve your company's productivity and current employee engagement while attracting recruits.
- Increase your network: You will have access to a community where you connect and share ideas with other movers, shakers, innovators, and thought-leaders (just like you). For more details on why the award will be good for you and your business, click here.
To learn more about the Best of America Small Business Awards and how you can participate or nominate a well-deserved small business, click here.