Preparing Your Entries
Strictly for small businesses, we are unlike any other business awards.
Entry preparation tips for the BASA Awards
Making the registration and entry submission to the BASA Awards easy and convenient for you.
Step 1.
Identify and select your desired category for your nomination. If you require assistance selecting categories, reach out to our team at awards@basawards.com. Provide them with details of your work so that they can offer appropriate guidance.
Step 2.
After you have paid the entry fee, you will get a link by email that will direct you to the Zealous platform, where you will need to submit your application before the deadline on 20 August, 2025. You are free to edit or modify your entry at any time before the submission deadline.
Preparing your entries
1. Prepare your story ahead
As a small company, your story is as important as a healthy balance sheet. Therefore, we strongly advise preparing your narrative before starting your entry to ensure no important details are overlooked. The BASA Awards deeply values and respects the journey depicted in your story. We want to hear authentic accounts and more about the unique inspiration behind your business and the path you've taken to achieve your current status. Often, small businesses don't get the recognition they deserve, and this is the one place where your hard work can be celebrated. Hence, make sure you don't undersell yourself or your business or write a cliché and tired story. Instead, focus on your inspiring journey, insights, and game-changing accomplishments.
2. Eligibility period
When writing your entry, highlight all of your accomplishments since January 2021 . Although some categories may need you to use achievements before 2021, please be informed that the BASA Awards eligibility period runs from January 2021.
3. Prepare your entries offline
Rather than completing your entry online, we recommend writing it offline first. This approach will help to protect your data in case of computer or system failure. It will also enable you to work on your application at your convenience before submission. You have time until 20 August, 2025 to complete and upload your nominations into our partner platform Zealous.
4. Use the right title for your entries
While it’s not obligatory to include the category name in the title, as judges can tell the category when they review your entry, make sure to title individual entries. The ideal title is the name and job title of the applicant, such as "John Doe, President." You can also include other text that is meaningful to your entry; otherwise, keep it simple.
5. Provide supporting material and links
While it’s not mandatory to include the supporting materials in your entry, we highly recommend doing so. Entries without any supporting materials tend to score low. If you don't have any marketing material, you can still include a link to your website.
6. Verify all the links
Before submitting your application, verify that all links to images, videos, and other supporting materials are functional. Click on each link to ensure its validity and that it contains the accurate information you intend to share with the judges.
7. Adding video and other media
When providing materials for the Judges' review, please ensure they are easily downloadable. Judges often have limited time and might be unable to wait for materials to download from platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or similar. If you are submitting a video, consider using a link to a hosted version on Vimeo, YouTube, or a similar platform, as this allows judges to view the material instantly upon clicking the link. Alternatively, we suggest making materials directly downloadable by attaching them to our servers.
8. PR & Marketing Agencies submitting entries for applicants
PR and Marketing Agencies submitting entries on behalf of multiple clients are not required to create separate entry submission accounts for each client. Agencies can create a single account using the agency's name, along with the agency's description and contact information, and utilize this account to submit entries for their clients. To differentiate each client's entry, they should commence each submission with the client's name and title, for example, "XYZ Company: John Doe, CEO" or "ABC Company: The ABC Company Website." This method allows us to identify that the agency is applying on behalf of their clients. In the event of a win, the client will be recognized as the BASA Awards Winner, and the award will be conferred to them, not the agency.
Sample Entry Forms
To gain insight into the upcoming BASA Awards, we encourage you to download the sample entry form. It will help you know what to expect and what to prepare in advance.