What Winners Get

The BASA Awards Canada are here to celebrate and acknowledge small-scale entrepreneurship from beginning to end . The future is in small businesses, and we applaud their excellent work.


What Winners Get

  • The Certificate of Excellence
  • Global recognition for the winner
  • BASA Awards logos & winner seals for your website & social media
  • Inclusion in our press releases and media coverage
  • A feature on our website
  • Promotion of your work and business across our social media platforms and BASA Awards channels.
  • Gain access to a community of other small businesses to promote your business and network.

The Winner’s Trophy Atlanta

  • 100% handmade in Italy for the BASA. A work of art with exquisite design and texture.
  • Crafted from ceramic with real gold luster.
  • Robust foundation symbolizing resilience and persistence.
  • Available to order for an additional fee.
order your trophy

What TopList Companies Get

  • Logos and seals for use on your website, social media, advertisements, marketing material, and signature.
  • Serve as a permanent feature in our Hall of Fame.
  • Acknowledgment of your work globally.
  • Promotion of your work through a dedicated campaign across our social media and other BASA Awards platforms.

What Finalists Get

  • Admission to public voting to increase their chances of becoming Winners or entering the TopList.
  • Finalist seals and marketing material for your website and social media.
  • You will be featured as a Finalist on BASA Awards’ website.
  • Industry Recognition in your industry.