National Muffin Day


Muffins are universally loved; thus, February 20 has been designated National Muffin Day. Muffins are a great quick breakfast solution, and if you want a good mid-morning light meal, Muffins will do good instead of toast. Since the 18th century, Americans have had American-style muffins; in Wales, English muffins have existed for over 1000 years. They are easy to make and give as a gift. As we celebrate National Muffin Day, you can grab a lot of muffins and enjoy eating them.



Although the baking industry is still fragmented, especially for small bakery retailers, the sector has nearly 3000 commercial and 600 retail bakeries. It also generates over $30 billion in revenue annually, with Campbell Soup Co., Grupo Bimbo, and Flower Foods being the largest producers accounting for 55% of the commercial bakery revenue.

According to The American Bakers Association reports, baked goods made and sold in the USA amount to $423 billion. Although the profits in the industry are not very high and bakeries can't always transfer raising costs to clients, the baking industry employs close to 800,000 people while generating over 44$ in wages. 

Additionally, 65% of all bakeries employ less than ten people, while 44% have between 1 to 4 employees, with a majority of small retailers still having only one facility. Still, Retail bakeries account for $3 billion, while commercial bakeries generate $31 billion in revenue.





1. There are a lot of varieties to choose from.
Muffins come in many hybrids, such as cruffins, duffins, and muffin tops, and in various styles such as English, Portuguese, and American. There are also various flavors: blueberry, cranberry orange, bran, and chocolate chip. Everyone is taken care of.

2. Easy to make
Muffins are quick bread that does not take too long to cook. You can whip a batch on a weekday just before work. They do not take elaborate baking and pastry processes. If you have a friend in the doldrums, make a few for them and leave a smile on their faces by putting one on their doorstep.

3.Fun to eat
Everyone has their way of eating muffins, just like Oreos. You can go for the stump first, chop the top, split it, spread butter or jam between, and then smush it into a sandwich. While eating it, you can pick off pieces for small bites or fit the whole thing in your mouth.


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